Sunday, November 14, 2010

Transmission-Daemon for Windows

Here are my Windows builds of transmission-daemon. I built it with Cygwin's GCC compiler. 7-zip or a newest version of unzip should be used to unpack them.

The package contains the following files:

  • Cygwin1.dll

    Cygwin Unix layer

  • transmission-cli.exe

    Command-line Bittorrent Client

  • transmission-create.exe

    Create .torrent files

  • transmission-daemon.exe

    Transmission server

  • transmission-edit.exe

    Edit .torrent files

  • transmission-remote.exe

    Control the transmission daemon

  • transmission-show.exe

    Show .torrent contents

Unpack the package into a folder, for example, C:\Program Files\Transmission. Then, create a shortcut with the following command:

transmission-daemon -b -o -m -ep -a,192.168.*.* --utp

Double-clicking the shortcut will not open any window. However, transmission-daemon is silently running in the background. You can control the daemon with any Web browser by opening this local Web address:

Although you can control transmission-daemon with a Web browser, it's not a pretty thing to do so. I recommend using transmission-remote-dotnet or transmission-remote-gui. The following is a screenshot for Transmission Remote .NET which is written in C#.

And, below you can see Transmission Remote GUI that's written in Pascal.

The settings for the daemon are stored in the ~/.config/transmission-daemon folder. Make sure the HOME environment variable points correctly to your folder.

Also, TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME environment variable should be correctly set up to use the web browser interface.

To learn how to build transmission-daemon for Windows, read this post.

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